IoT기반 지속가능한 건설관리 연구실 로고


IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.


Congraturation: Dr. Koo successfully finishied the final defence of his doctoral dissertation.

관리자  ㅣ  2013.12.27  ㅣ  조회:1248

전체 : 120, 현재 : 7 / 12 페이지
[공지] Recruit Notice
[공지] i-SUSCOM Lab. has been changed its name to i-SUSCOME Lab.
Excellent Researcher Award 2014 in SUSCOM Lab.
Best Researcher Award 2014 in BK21 plus
Excellent Paper Award in KICEM Annual Conference 2014
Participation in ENEFM 2014 in Turkey
Academic exchange and Invited lecture in Tokyo Metropolitan University
Graduation of researchers in SUSCOM Lab.
Excellence Professor Award 2013 in Yonsei University
Excellent Researcher Award 2013 in SUSCOM Lab.
Excellent youngest professor award 2013 in Engineering college in Yonsei University
Congraturation: Dr. Koo successfully finishied the final defence of his doctoral dissertation.