IoT기반 지속가능한 건설관리 연구실 로고


IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.


전체 : 120, 현재 : 10 / 12 페이지
[공지] Recruit Notice
[공지] i-SUSCOM Lab. has been changed its name to i-SUSCOME Lab.
Participation in 2012 Winter CPP Constituent Committee Meeting
Excellent Researcher Award 2011 in SUSCOM
Excellent Paper Award in KICEM Annual Conference 2011
Finalist of College Musicians Festival 2011 (Yeji Kim)
Excellent Paper Award in KICEM Autumn Annual Conference 2011
Graduation of a Researcher in SUSCOM Lab.
Visiting Urban Renaissance agency (UR) in Japan
1st Prize in Parsons Brinkerhoff's CM Contest
Nominator for World's Top 3 Biographical Dictionary
Excellent Lecture Award 2010 in Yonsei University