IoT기반 지속가능한 건설관리 연구실 로고


    IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.

    In order to meet both academic and practical research needs for
    IoT-based sustainable and systematic construction management and energy, i-SUSCOME Lab.


    IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.

    In order to meet both academic and practical research needs for
    IoT-based sustainable and systematic construction management and energy, i-SUSCOME Lab.


    IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.

    In order to meet both academic and practical research needs for
    IoT-based sustainable and systematic construction management and energy, i-SUSCOME Lab.

Integrated Management System for Life Cycle of a Construction Project

Optimal Design Technology for Minimizing Carbon Emissions

New Renewable Energy Adoption for Minimizaing Carbon Emissions

Optimal Construction Technology for Minimizaing Carbon Emissions

Optimal Operation & Maintenance Technology for Minimizing Carbon Emissions

Current Research Projects

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