IoT기반 지속가능한 건설관리 연구실 로고


IoT-based Sustainable Construction Management and Energy Lab.


전체 : 116, 현재 : 4 / 12 페이지
[공지] Recruit Notice
[공지] i-SUSCOM Lab. has been changed its name to i-SUSCOME Lab.
Graduation of researchers in i-SUSCOM Lab.
Participation in International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) 2018 in Hong Kong
Participation in i-Society 2018 in Ireland
Congraturation: Dr. Lee successfully finished the final defence of her doctoral disseration.
Participation in International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Evironmental Protection(SEEP2018)
Graduation of researchers in i-SUSCOM Lab.
Excellent Researcher Award 2017 in i-SUSCOM Lab.
Graduation of researchers in i-SUSCOM Lab.
Congraturation: Dr. Jeong successfully finished the final defence of his doctoral disseration.
Congraturation: Dr. Kim successfully finished the final defence of his doctoral disseration.