Principal InvestigatorProf. Taehoon Hong
Research Period2005 ~ 2021 (16 years)
Financial Support
Principal InvestigatorProf. Taehoon Hong
Research Period2021.06 ~ 2030.02 (108 months)
Financial SupportNational Research Foundation of Korea
Principal InvestigatorPh.D. Jonghoon Kim
Research Period2019.06 ~ 2023.12 (55 months)
Financial SupportThe Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, South Korea
Principal InvestigatorProf. Taehoon Hong
Research Period2019.04 ~ 2020.12 (21 months)
Financial SupportThe Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, South Korea
Principal InvestigatorProf. Dongeun Lee
Research Period2018.06 ~ 2025.02 (81months)
Financial SupportThe Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea